
The primary tool used for Run Or Raise Applications with Keyboard Shortcuts #linux

jumapp with Flatpak

  • https://github.com/mkropat/jumpapp/issues/55

Create a bash script in your path file:

sudo touch /usr/bin/discord
sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/discord
sudo nano /usr/bin/discord
  • Place the following in the file:
nohup flatpak run com.discordapp.Discord </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &

jumpapp discord should now work

Non-Installed Apps

  • Since jumpapp is a wrapper for wmctrl, you can activate applications using wmctrl -a "WINDOW TITLE" if you can’t get jumpapp to work.

  • Check if Application open, and run it if not with wmctrl, and maximize it after launching


# Set the application name 

# Check if window with that name exists
if wmctrl -l | grep -q "$app"; then
  # If yes, activate it 
  wmctrl -a "$app"
  # If no, launch the app
  /usr/bin/firefox &
  wmctrl -r "firefox" -b add,maximized

  • One Liner to use with keymapper
wmctrl -a "APPNAME" 2>/dev/null || { PATHTOEXECUTABLE &>/dev/null & }; wmctrl -r "APPNAME" -b add,maximized

Last updated on July 17, 2024. For any questions/feedback, email me at blog@zinchuk.xyz.