KDE Dolphin

Dolphin Config Files Location

  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71307393/dolphin-kde-sidebar-config-file-location-for-backup-and-export
KDE-Dolphin main configuration:

~/.config/dolphinrc (stowed)




KDE-Dolphin sidebar and bookmark configuration:

~/.local/share/user-places.xbel (stowed)

KDE-Dolphin keyboard shortcuts configuration:




Remember Display Style for Each Folder


Adjust the Default Settings:



I jumped down the KDE dbus rabbit hole recently, trying to figure out how to replicate some of my XYplorer File Manager automation flows in Linux with the Dolphin file manager.

paru -S qt6-tools-desktop to install QT6 QDBUSViewer

Get All instances of dolphin

pgrep dolphin or qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-* to view all dbus connectable instances of dolphin or qdbus6 | grep 'dolphin' to view all dbus connectable instances of dolphin

Get Objects

qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### to list the object paths available on Dolphin

The dolphin process number changes each time: org.kde.dolphin-####, i need to get a list of dolphin processes and then use that process ID for the below commands instead of #####

  • Toggle Focus the terminal panel, if terminal is focused main window will be refocused qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/focus_terminal_panel org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • Copy Location of selected file: qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/copy_location org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • Trigger split view: qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/split_view org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • Open terminal HERE (cd current folder)

  • qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/open_terminal_here org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • View details mode:

  • qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/details org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • View ICONS mode:

  • qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/icons org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • Sort by name (text)

  • qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/sort_by_text org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • sort by modification time qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/sort_by_modificationtime org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • change the ascending/descending option for current column

  • qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/ascending org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/descending org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger

  • Undo closed tab

    • qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-##### /dolphin/Dolphin_1/actions/undo_close_tab org.qtproject.Qt.QAction.trigger


Available object paths:

 qdbus6 org.kde.dolphin-46051
[yuriy@ELatitude14 Downloads]$ 

Last updated on September 12, 2024. For any questions/feedback, email me at blog@zinchuk.xyz.