Voidtools Everything

A lightning fast Windows file search tool.

1.5 Alpha Version with Native Dark Theme

  • https://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9787

Scripting with Autohotkey

Uising the UI ID’s we can send commands to voidtools from autohotkey using SendMessage

Autohotkey Based Hotkeys Examples

#IfWinActive ahk_class EVERYTHING_(1.5a)

; close window
Escape::SendMessage, 0x111, 40011,,, ahk_class EVERYTHING_(1.5a)

; Focus search edit box
^f::SendMessage, 0x111, 42000,,, ahk_class EVERYTHING_(1.5a)

; Show details view 
!1::SendMessage, 0x111, 40051,,, ahk_class EVERYTHING_(1.5a)

; Show large icon 
!3::SendMessage, 0x111, 40053,,, ahk_class EVERYTHING_(1.5a)

!E:: ; edit file
!O:: ; open file's directory
^P:: ; Copy Filepath to Clipboard
^+P:: ; Copy File's Directory Filepath to Clipboard
^+c:: ; Copy Image to clipboard using XyPlorer action

; Grab the Window Text from voidtools Everything
; Gives us filepath, file size, file directory and date modified
WinGetText, WindowText , ahk_class EVERYTHING_(1.5a)
Filepath := StrSplit(WindowText, "`r")[1] ; pull out filepath from first line
SplitPath, FileFilePath, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive

If (A_ThisHotkey = "!O" OR A_ThisHotkey = "~!O" OR A_ThisHotkey = "^+c" )
	run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe" "%FileFilePath%"

	if(A_ThisHotkey = "^+c"){
		sleep, 500
		FunctionMessagetoXYplorer(115) ; copy image to clipboard
		sleep, 250
		FunctionMessagetoXYplorer(351) ; Close active tab in xyplorer

		WinActivate, ahk_exe Everything64.exe

; Control + E - Edit Selected File
if(A_ThisHotkey = "!E" OR A_ThisHotkey = "~!E")

; Copy filepath to clipboard
if(A_ThisHotkey = "^P" OR A_ThisHotkey = "~^P")
	Clipboard := FileFilePath

; Copy File Directory to Clipboard
if(A_ThisHotkey = "^+P" OR A_ThisHotkey = "~^+P")
	Clipboard := OutFileName




Misc Settings

  • Options > Indexes > NTFS > Automatically include new fixed volumes (OFF)
  • Options > Indexes > NTFS > Automatically include new removable volumes (OFF)
  • Options > Indexes > Network Drives > Automatically Include new mapped network drives (ON)
  • Options > Indexes > Network Drives > Automatically remove offline mapped network drives (OFF)


  • These folders are never actually useful in the results. Always ignore them. Tools > Options > Indexes > Exclude

Program settings are saved to:

  • Best way to sync settings between computers is to copy this file and then copy and paste line 464: exclude_folders from the previous version. Tried making an AHK script to constantly copy/paste the file between devices but was too buggy to work well.


  • Can be easily deployed with chocolatey install using choco install -y everything
  • By default Everything will index your C: drive, BUT nothing else, so if you want to index mounted network drives you will have to set up the settings on a test device and then copy the everything.ini configuration file to to all users using the following Powershell Script:
# Kill everything process before copying config file
Stop-Process -Name "Everything" -Force

$EverythingConfigDir = "C:\Users\" + ${env:USERNAME} + "\AppData\Roaming\Everything"

# copy config file to current user
Copy-Item "Everything.ini" -Destination "${EverythingConfigDir}\Everything.ini"

# copy to DEFAULT user so all future created profiles receive config
New-Item -Path "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Everything\" -ItemType Directory
Copy-Item "${ParentFolder}\Everything\Everything.ini" -Destination "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Everything\Everything.ini"

# Start up Everything, rescan all folders, insstall for all users and install the autostart service, and add everything to windows context menu
; Everything arguments: https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/command_line_options/
& "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -rescan-all -install-all-users-start-menu-shortcuts -install-service -install-run-on-system-startup -install-folder-context-menu

Last updated on July 28, 2024. For any questions/feedback, email me at blog@zinchuk.xyz.